Public Benefit Organisations (PBO)

Written on 02/19/2025
Profmark Team

In order to qualify as a PBO an entity needs to have as its main object the carrying out of one or more public benefit activities in a non-profit manner.
These activities need to qualify in one or more of the following categories:

  • welfare and humanitarian
  • health care
  • land and housing
  • education and development
  • conservation, environment and animal welfare
  • religion, belief or philosophy
  • cultural
  • research and consumer rights
  • sport
  • providing funds, assets or other resources
  • support services to other PBO’s
  • hosting certain international events

Note: Only the activities in bold qualify for section 18A status.
For more information on how to register a PBO with SARS and the specific requirements refer to the SARS website: 

Donations to approved public benefit organisations are exempt from donations tax and deductable for income tax as follows if section 18A status has been approved:

  • Company donations limited to 10% of taxable income
  • Individual donations limited to 10% of taxable income excluding any retirement fund lump sum benefits
  • Any excess above the 10% cap above may be rolled over to subsequent years